Crossing Cultures at the Hood Museum of Art


Recently opened at the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH is a ground breaking exhibition, CROSSING CULTURES, which draws attention to the contemporary status of the Australian Aboriginal art movement. With more than 100 objects from the collection of Will Owen and Harvey Wagner, collectors since the 1970’s, the exhibition blends work based on historical traditions drawing on ancestral narratives and traditional iconographies with the work of contemporary Aboriginal artists who are making their own name in the international art world. As the collectors say “We wanted to represent the artistic traditions that have grown out of ceremony and myth, but also the engaged and innovative work created by art-school educated urban Aboriginal people from the metropolitan coasts”.

Curator, Stephen Gilchrist hopes that the diversity of perspectives in this show speaks to the richness of the contemporary Aboriginal art tradition, which has been called “the last great art movement of the 20th century.”

Some of the notable artists featured in CROSSING CULTURES include John Mawurndjul, Djambawa Marawili, Naata Nungurrayi, Destiny Deacon, Paddy Bedford, Doreen Reid Nakamarra, Clinton Nain and Michael Riley.

The contemporary Aboriginal voice is loud and clear and beautiful!

Catherine Hickson, Assistant Curator

Learn more about this exhibition